Oh my word! Let me just tell you that yesterday was my first real Sunday dinner in FOREVER! We had my sister and her family over and well, I meant to take pictures of this fabulous meal, but alas...I got caught up in my beautiful little niece and so I didn't get a chance to take any pictures (enter sad face here!) But oh! The goodness! So good, in fact, that we ate it all! Every last bite of the 2 1/2 pound pork roast was eaten! This meal is definitely going to go on the rotation.
Thankfully, I have pictures of the corn bread...oh the cornbread...so moist and flavorful! I know your mouth is watering as I am describing these little yellow pillows of goodness! When the butter melted, and we ate these little beauties, they were so soft and sweet. They were an absolutely perfect compliment to the pork roast!
I have to tell you that I did alter what I was supposed to serve yesterday, just slightly. I made a beautiful apple pie for dessert and so I omitted the applesauce from the menu and added broccoli. (Some of my guests were not thrilled by eating glazed carrots, which by the way, were gobbled up!) I basically had a few mashed potatoes left when the entire meal was complete.
So, here is a rundown for you so that you have a complete picture of how it all played out...
There were 10 people eating this beautiful Sunday dinner, four adults and six children. All of my kids ate their carrots, mashed potatoes and broccoli. Two of my kids decided that they liked the pork, but they didn't want to eat their entire portion and the other two ate all of it. My six year old niece ate her entire dinner (but only ate the carrots to be polite) and my one year old niece ate the cornbread (I remember those days well!)
So, how much did it cost me to feed 10 people this delightful dinner?
Pork Roast ($2.49/lb.) $6.22
Creamed soups for recipe $1.58 + the ranch packet $0.49
Potatoes ($2.99/ 10 lb.) 2 lb. @ $0.58 plus milk and butter $0.40 for a total of $0.98
Baby Carrots $0.69/ bag
Steamed Broccoli $1.19/ bag
Cornbread Muffins (from scratch) approximately $1.25 for 15 muffins
Apple Pie (also from scratch) $2.99 for the apples and then crust is approximately $1.25 for a total of $3.24
Overall cost for the entire meal was $15.64. What! Is that true? Did I make a beautiful meal with dessert for just $1.56 per person? I think I did! How amazing is that?
Below is the recipe for the pork...next time I will take pictures, I promise! You will want to add this to your monthly menu (and if your family is smaller, there should definitely be leftovers!)
Ranch Pork Roast (in the crock pot)
1 2-2 1/2 lb. boneless pork loin roast (or boneless chops)
1 pkg. ranch salad dressing mix (dry)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
A splash of water or chicken broth to thin out the sauce.
Place the pork roast in the bottom of a 5-6 qt. crock pot. Combine the soups, salad dressing, and water. Pour over the top. Turn to low and cook for 6-8 hours. (mine cooked for 7 hours and was perfect!) If you can, turn the roast over half way through cooking. (No biggie if you have to work and you can't do this step.)
***This is a salty recipe so you don't need to salt the meat at all before cooking, but I would definitely add pepper to taste***
Yummy Cornbread Muffins-
I have been making cornbread from scratch for years...it is cheaper and tastier than the little blue boxes that they sell in the store. When my sister saw me making them from scratch she said that she doesn't make cornbread (who knows why...she likes it) and added that if she did, she would just buy the little boxes. I made a comment about preservatives that she didn't like that much, but that is how I see it these days...anyhow...my point is that during dinner, her husband made the comment that she needed this cornbread recipe!
1. Line 2 (12 cup) muffin pans with 15 paper cups.
2. Preheat oven to 400
1 cup cornmeal
1 cup flour
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup sour cream
1 egg
4 tsps. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/3 cup of white sugar
1/2 cup milk
1. In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients. (I really do dump all of the ingredients in at once and then mix with a whisk.) Mix well until all ingredients are combined and the batter is thick and smooth.
2. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, fill all of the muffin cups 3/4 of the way. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes or until the muffins have a slightly golden edge. Serve warm.
My kids love these the next day with a little bit of jam on them!
I know, now you have to go and get the ingredients for this fabulous meal and make it for yourself, I promise you won't be sorry!
Blessings to All!
Monday, August 31, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Weekly Meal Plan and Shopping Trip #2
Okay, so I have one word to say that describes how I am feeling about Tuesday...FALL!! Oh no, I just said a bad word, according to my summer loving husband! I for one LOVE fall! I love the trees changing colors, the smells and spices, and of course the food! Who doesn't love pumpkins, squash, and apples, all paired with delicious, home cooked meals like pork roast and turkey! Oh no, I said another bad word, turkey!
Fall of course is our last season of beauty before the dreaded winter...which in my husbands point of view, is the worst, most depressing time of the year. Of course, fall also marks the beginning of another school year starting, and for me, this year is bittersweet because my youngest is off to UPK and I will have five mornings a week without a single child in my care. I am also going back to work part time, and since I haven't had a job outside of my home in several years, I am sure there is going to be a period of adjustment.
In an effort to be completely organized (which is not a strong suit of mine), I am planning the meals a little further out than I normally do. In addition, I have taken into account all of the items that I will need to have on hand to pack lunches for the kids.
Meal planning, as I have mentioned in the past, is something that I have to do in order to stay within the budgeted amount for groceries. Sometimes it can be a real pain in the (well you know...) to sit down and actually think about meals that you won't be eating for two weeks, but after several meal planning sessions, it does become easier. My purpose for sharing all of this with you is to help you either start the practice of meal planning, share budget friend meal ideas, and show you that living within a tight budget doesn't limit you to highly processed, unhealthy choices!
The plan for this week is to highlight all of the meals on our calendar with recipes, pictures, and a break down of the cost for each meal. I will be posting one meal each day with all of the details. Below is an overview of the week along with my shopping list. Everything that I purchased came from Aldi this week, I didn't have to go elsewhere! Yay!
Saturday 8/29- Chicken Pot Pie
Sunday 8/30- Breakfast- Cereal, banana, yogurt
Lunch- Ham or PB&J sandwiches, apple, and pretzels
Dinner- Ranch Pork Roast, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, applesauce & cornbread
Monday 8/31- Breakfast- Pancakes
Lunch- Left over pork roast on bread
Dinner- Chili & leftover cornbread
Tuesday 9/1- Breakfast- yogurt, granola, & bananas
Lunch- ham or PB&J sandwiches, pretzels
Dinner- Parmesan crusted chicken tenders, French fries, & corn
Wednesday 9/2- Breakfast- cereal, bananas
Lunch- I'm taking a certification exam so the kids will be eating with a friend.
Dinner- dinner and a movie out with the kids to celebrate the end of summer!
Thursday 9/3- Breakfast- scrambled eggs, sausage, toast
Lunch- Macaroni and Cheese
Dinner- hot turkey sandwiches, sweet potatoes, and green beans
Friday 9/4- Camping! Breakfast- Cereal, bananas, or yogurt
Lunch- Tuna Salad Sandwiches with tomatoes
Dinner- Grilled Cheese and Tomato soup
Saturday 9/5-Camping! Breakfast- eggs, bacon, toast
Lunch- Ham or PB&J sandwiches
Dinner- hamburgers, baked beans, and dilled tomato and cucumber salad
Sunday 9/6-Camping! Breakfast- French toast
Lunch- Sandwiches and leftovers from dinner (Saturday)
Dinner- marinated round steaks, baked potato, corn on the cob
Monday 9/7- Breakfast- cereal, fruit
Lunch- Sandwiches, fruit, yogurt
Dinner- BLT's, tater tots, and applesauce or cottage cheese
Tuesday 9/8- First day of school!!
Breakfast- pancakes and sausage
Lunch- packed lunches!
Dinner- Chicken and wild rice soup, crusty bread, and salad
Wednesday 9/9- Breakfast- Cereal
Lunch- packed lunches!
Dinner- stuffed shells w/ Italian sausage
Thursday 9/10- Breakfast- Oatmeal, fruit
Lunch- packed lunches!
Dinner- pork chops, rice pilaf, broccoli.
Friday 9/11- Breakfast- cheese omelets, toast
Lunch- packed lunches!
Dinner- Salisbury steaks, cheesy potato bake, corn
Saturday 9/12- we are going to a birthday party so I won't have to feed the kids dinner at home.
Breakfast- French toast bake with fruit salad
Lunch- leftovers from dinner
Sunday 9/13- First day of Sunday School!
Breakfast- Cereal, fruit or toast
Lunch- Sandwiches, fruit
Dinner- Roast Chicken, peas, mashed potatoes, and homemade biscuits.
Shopping List-
3 gallons of milk (I may need more than that, it depends on how much we go through in a week.)
3 pounds of butter (I won't use all of this in one week, but if I decide to bake, we will go through it)
2 dozen eggs
4 loaves of bread
3 boxes of cereal
2 boxes of yogurt sticks
1 pound of American Cheese
1 pound of cottage cheese
1 each- frozen corn, green beans, peas, mixed vegetables
1 each- Crinkle cut French fries, tater tots
3 pounds of apples
2 bags of baby carrots
2 5# bags of flour
1 bag of granulated sugar
2 cans of great northern beans
2 boxes of wild rice
4 8 oz. cans of tomato sauce
2 cream of mushroom soup
2 cream of chicken soup (restocking pantry items)
2 cream of celery soup
1 box of chicken broth
2 cans of beef broth
1 jar of jelly
10 # of white potatoes
2 bunches of bananas (I may need to purchase more)
1 pound of sour cream
2 bottles of coffee creamer
1 bag of French vanilla coffee (my weakness!)
1 bag of frozen, cubed hash browned potatoes
1 pound of shredded cheddar cheese
1 pound of shredded mozzarella cheese
1 package of boneless chicken thighs
1 turkey breast
1 package of the cheapest steak available (I found round)
1 family package of ground beef
1 package of pork chops ( I ended up with boneless spare ribs because they were cheaper)
My total bill at Aldi was 192.53 for everything that I needed. I had some of the meat on hand already, so I didn't need to purchase the pork roast or the roasting chicken. In addition, I didn't need to purchase the macaroni and cheese, the rice pilaf, or the shells for the stuffed pasta because they were in my pantry already.
I hope that you found this helpful! Make sure to pop back in to check out the recipes and photos for some of the meals listed throughout the week.
Are you a menu planner too? What meals do you have on your list for the week? We would love for you to share!
I hope you all have a very blessed Sunday afternoon!
Blessings to All!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Baked Oatmeal Cups (Updated)
Yesterday, while trying to figure out this whole Pinterest thing (which is still a work in progress), I came across some of the recipes that I had posted last year, pinned by some of my followers. Some of you wrote some very nice things about my blog, you were sharing some of my recipes for others, and you were encouraging them to check me out. I was saddened as I read this because realized that I didn't hold up my end of the bargain. I left everyone wondering if I would be returning to the blog, and that was wrong. I hope that you will all forgive me, and I want to assure you that I am working on the blog and trying to come up with fresh, new ideas to share, every day!
After looking at my stats, I realized that this recipe is the most popular recipe that I posted last year. The link to this recipe was shared by my friend Maura at happydealhappyday.com (Please check her out! She is amazing!!) Along with the link is an article that I wrote for her detailing some of my tips for keeping my grocery shopping trips within a $75/week budget.
Today, I am posting an updated version of this recipe, with pictures. Thank you for keeping my blog alive while I was away! All 5000+ page views! I am humbled and grateful to you all!
This recipe is well known and loved in our house! I hope that your family enjoys them as much as we do!
First, gather up all of your ingredients. After looking at this picture, I realized that I forgot to photograph the eggs. There are 2 eggs in this recipe.
Mix the dry ingredients and then add the eggs, milk, melted butter, and vanilla.
Stir in the dried fruits or nuts, or both is you prefer.
Fill your muffin cups with a 1/4 cup measuring cup and bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
I wish you could have been in my kitchen this morning as these beauty's were baking! The house is so aromatic with the smell of cinnamon!
Baked Oatmeal Cups (Makes 12)
Preheat the oven to 350 and line a 12 cup muffin pan with paper liners, set aside.
3 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp. baking powder
2 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 cup milk
3/4 cup dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, blueberries, or cherries) or nuts or both!
1. In a large bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients. Stir until combined. Add the eggs, milk, butter, and vanilla. Stir well to combine completely (you can use a mixer, but I generally make this by hand.) Add the fruit and mix well. The batter will be wet.
2. Using a 1/4 measuring cup, fill the paper liners (go ahead and fill them to the top). Bake for 15-20 at 350 until golden brown. Allow to sit for 5 minutes before serving. They can be eaten right away or stored in an airtight container in your refrigerator for about 3 days.
***They can be frozen as well, I would eat them within a month if you do. To reheat, simply microwave for 30-45 seconds, or until it is warm all the way through. ***
If you have visited us before and have made this recipe, I would really love for you to share your experiences with us.
Thank you!
Blessings to All!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Fresh Zucchini Bread
Ah...fresh veggies! It is August and I live in upstate NY, not downstate like Winchester County, upstate as in the Rochester area. Living in farm country has always been a blessing for us. No, we don't have a farm of our own, but I do grow a small vegetable garden, and I love having the opportunity to visit farm stands in our area. Unfortunately, this year my garden isn't doing well at all, so that means more trips to the farm stand...which is working out well because the veggies they are offering are delicious! How does visiting a farm stand fit into my weekly grocery budget? Well, typically farmers have very good prices for their veggies. For example, I was able to get each zucchini, at the farm closest to my house, for $0.75 each. Each zucchini, when grated, was exactly 2 cups.
This week, while shopping with my children, my son Ryan specifically asked for zucchini bread. I really feel like I'm doing something right when my kids ask for something that has vegetables in it. I know, zucchini bread is full of sugar and oil, so not necessarily the healthiest thing ever, but hey...I'll take what I can get! Making snacks from scratch helps to reduce the amount of money that I am spending on processed foods at the grocery store. To show you how much money I saved, I did a short cost analysis of this bread per slice. The cost of making this recipe is very minimal. With all of the ingredients, each loaf of zucchini bread for this recipe was about $0.93. I can get 12 slices from one loaf, which makes this snack very budget friendly at $0.08/ serving. Awesome right!
This recipe is the one that I have used for years...I tried looking at Pinterest to see if there was anything that looked better, but I found this recipe to be pretty universal. My kids have already devoured 3 loaves of this bread and are currently working on a forth! If your family is like mine, storing it shouldn't be an issue for you, but if you want to save a loaf for later, it freezes beautifully!
This week, while shopping with my children, my son Ryan specifically asked for zucchini bread. I really feel like I'm doing something right when my kids ask for something that has vegetables in it. I know, zucchini bread is full of sugar and oil, so not necessarily the healthiest thing ever, but hey...I'll take what I can get! Making snacks from scratch helps to reduce the amount of money that I am spending on processed foods at the grocery store. To show you how much money I saved, I did a short cost analysis of this bread per slice. The cost of making this recipe is very minimal. With all of the ingredients, each loaf of zucchini bread for this recipe was about $0.93. I can get 12 slices from one loaf, which makes this snack very budget friendly at $0.08/ serving. Awesome right!
This recipe is the one that I have used for years...I tried looking at Pinterest to see if there was anything that looked better, but I found this recipe to be pretty universal. My kids have already devoured 3 loaves of this bread and are currently working on a forth! If your family is like mine, storing it shouldn't be an issue for you, but if you want to save a loaf for later, it freezes beautifully!
In a mixing bowl, mix together the oil and the sugar, then add the eggs 1 at a time and mix well. You will get a nice, sunny yellow mixture.
Add the cinnamon, vanilla, baking soda, salt, and baking powder. Mix well and then add the flour one cup at a time until all of the flour is added. The batter will be thick.
Add the zucchini and mix well. Pour into two 8x4 inch bread pans that you have sprayed or greased.
Bake the loaves at 350 for 50-60 minutes.
This bread is delicious and easy!
Zucchini Bread- Makes 2 loaves
Preheat oven to 350
1 cup of vegetable oil
2 cups granulated sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups of flour
2 cups grated zucchini (I grate mine with the skin on which gives the bread beautiful green specks.)
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the oil and sugar and mix well until smooth. Add the eggs 1 at a time and mix until combined and the batter is a nice sunny yellow.
2. Add the baking soda, powder, cinnamon, salt, and vanilla and mix well until well combined.
3. Add the flour, 1 cup at a time, until the batter is thick and smooth. Add the zucchini and stir well.
4. Pour into 2 8x4 bread pans that have been greased. Bake the bread for 50-60 minutes at 350. When the bread is done, pull it from the oven and allow it to sit in the pan for 5 minutes. Remove to a cooling rack and allow to cool completely. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week or freeze.
This delicious bread is best when zucchini is plentiful and in season. To enjoy this bread year round, simply grate zucchini and freeze it in quart size freezer bags in 2 cup increments. Then all you have to do is pull it from the freezer, thaw, and make the bread. It's that easy!
I hope that this recipe brings your family as much joy as it brings to mine!
Blessings to All!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Scrumptious Peanut Butter Cookies
Good golly! Fall is just around the corner and I have been in total baking mode for days! Baking for me is like a great yoga session for others, I feel so comfortable in my sweats covered in flour! I love the smell of the goodies as it envelopes my entire house. Today, a yummy batch of zucchini bread is baking (mouth watering blog post for tomorrow!) and later on this afternoon I will be making some snicker doodles. The house is fragrant with the smell of cinnamon and that is how I like it!
I came across this recipe for peanut butter cookies back in June. I was looking for cookie recipes to make for a camping trip and this was one that I came across. Like most of the recipes that I find here and there, I did make a few changes to this one. I added a little extra love by way of vanilla and of course a little salt, it helps to even out the sweetness. Cookie recipes can be finicky, but not this one. I love how easy they are to make and they come out perfect every time! They are delicious warm and soft and chewy when they are cool. They hold up really well and, although cookies don't last more than a few days in the house, they will keep for at least 4 days on the counter if kept in an air tight container.
I came across this recipe for peanut butter cookies back in June. I was looking for cookie recipes to make for a camping trip and this was one that I came across. Like most of the recipes that I find here and there, I did make a few changes to this one. I added a little extra love by way of vanilla and of course a little salt, it helps to even out the sweetness. Cookie recipes can be finicky, but not this one. I love how easy they are to make and they come out perfect every time! They are delicious warm and soft and chewy when they are cool. They hold up really well and, although cookies don't last more than a few days in the house, they will keep for at least 4 days on the counter if kept in an air tight container.
These cookies are so easy and they only have a few ingredients!
Scrumptious Peanut Butter Cookies (Makes 36)
Preheat oven to 375
1 cup creamy or chunky peanut butter.
1 egg
1/2 cup of butter (softened)
1 1/3 cups brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
2/3 cup flour
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the butter, peanut butter, and brown sugar. Mix at medium speed until light and fluffy. Add the egg and beat until completely combined, about 1 minute. Add the vanilla and mix well.
2. In a separate mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients and whisk with a fork until all of the ingredients are combined. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix on med-low until completely combined, scrapping the sides of the bowl as needed.
3. Place the cookies in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Roll into 1 inch balls and place on a cookie sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. Bake at 375 until they are lightly browned around the edges, about 8-10 minutes. Remove from oven to a cookie rack, cool completely before storing.
This is the perfect cookie for kids just getting off the bus!
I hope that you have a blessed day!
Monday, August 24, 2015
Back to School
It's that time of year again...back to school time. This is the first year in our house that all of my children will be attending school every day. It is a very sad time for me, but an exciting time for my son Adam as he starts UPK this year! Thankfully, he will be home with me everyday at lunch time, so I am not totally heartbroken by the fact that he is growing up!
Getting ready for school can be expensive, especially when you have a big family like mine. I have four kids that I have to prepare for the coming year and those costs can add up quickly! Here are some of the tips that I can offer to keep your costs down, while supplying your little ones with everything that they need for school.
1.) Look for the sales.
Yep, that means checking the flyers and going where you see the majority of your needs for the least amount of cost. For me this is Walmart. Luckily, for us, the school is supplying a lot of the school supplies this year. This is a first for us. I am still responsible for tissues, pencils, a spiral notebook, and some binders, but overall it is a very light list! I am not a Walmart sponsor, in fact, I try to avoid Walmart whenever I can, but it is convenient and they have everything I need at a very low price.
2.) Shop at consignment or second hand shops.
Not only does shopping at these establishment help the local economy, but it is a great way to find brand name clothing at a considerably lower price. I can not tell you how many times I have been able to find brands like Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, and Nike in a second hand store for a fraction of what it costs retail. I am very picky when shopping for clothes in these establishments, I look them over for stains, wear and tear (especially boy clothes!), and I check all of the zippers and buttons. I have had a lot of success shopping this way! I was able to clothe all of my children for the summer (shorts, shirts, sundresses, and pajamas) for $40. ALL OF THEIR CLOTHES FOR $40! I do the same thing for school clothes.
3.) Reuse whatever you can.
All of my children needed a 1 1/2 binder for school last year. I bought them all new ones. When school ended, 2 of the 3 children brought their binders home and they are in good used condition. They will be reusing them this year. There is no need to purchase something new when we have what they need right here at home. I have plans to reuse all of the pencil boxes and art smocks again this year as well. Check out what your kids brought home from school in June and reuse them as needed. This is actually the 3rd year in a row that my son Ethan is using his lunch box and his backpack.
4.) Look for sales on snacks and juice boxes and then stock up!
I have a BJ's membership that I use for school lunches. I know what you might be thinking...I thought she made everything from scratch! Well, I do, most of the time. I like to make my own trail mix, granola bars, cookies, and such from scratch. However, I like some items in their lunch that I purchase. They include, cheese sticks, yogurt sticks, pretzels, applesauce and fruit cups, and juice boxes (Roaring Waters to be exact). With a coupon, these items can be very inexpensive at BJ's. If I don't have a coupon and they are available at Aldi I will buy them there. In addition to these lunch items, BJ's often has a coupon for buy 1 peanut butter get the jelly free this time of year. I usually purchase 3 of these deals and then I have enough peanut butter to get us through the entire school year.
Raising kids can be very expensive, but I find that if I follow these tips, I am saving so much time and money!
What are some things that you do to save money? Did you find this article helpful?
I hope that you will share some of your ideas with us!
Blessings to all!
Getting ready for school can be expensive, especially when you have a big family like mine. I have four kids that I have to prepare for the coming year and those costs can add up quickly! Here are some of the tips that I can offer to keep your costs down, while supplying your little ones with everything that they need for school.
1.) Look for the sales.
Yep, that means checking the flyers and going where you see the majority of your needs for the least amount of cost. For me this is Walmart. Luckily, for us, the school is supplying a lot of the school supplies this year. This is a first for us. I am still responsible for tissues, pencils, a spiral notebook, and some binders, but overall it is a very light list! I am not a Walmart sponsor, in fact, I try to avoid Walmart whenever I can, but it is convenient and they have everything I need at a very low price.
2.) Shop at consignment or second hand shops.
Not only does shopping at these establishment help the local economy, but it is a great way to find brand name clothing at a considerably lower price. I can not tell you how many times I have been able to find brands like Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, and Nike in a second hand store for a fraction of what it costs retail. I am very picky when shopping for clothes in these establishments, I look them over for stains, wear and tear (especially boy clothes!), and I check all of the zippers and buttons. I have had a lot of success shopping this way! I was able to clothe all of my children for the summer (shorts, shirts, sundresses, and pajamas) for $40. ALL OF THEIR CLOTHES FOR $40! I do the same thing for school clothes.
3.) Reuse whatever you can.
All of my children needed a 1 1/2 binder for school last year. I bought them all new ones. When school ended, 2 of the 3 children brought their binders home and they are in good used condition. They will be reusing them this year. There is no need to purchase something new when we have what they need right here at home. I have plans to reuse all of the pencil boxes and art smocks again this year as well. Check out what your kids brought home from school in June and reuse them as needed. This is actually the 3rd year in a row that my son Ethan is using his lunch box and his backpack.
4.) Look for sales on snacks and juice boxes and then stock up!
I have a BJ's membership that I use for school lunches. I know what you might be thinking...I thought she made everything from scratch! Well, I do, most of the time. I like to make my own trail mix, granola bars, cookies, and such from scratch. However, I like some items in their lunch that I purchase. They include, cheese sticks, yogurt sticks, pretzels, applesauce and fruit cups, and juice boxes (Roaring Waters to be exact). With a coupon, these items can be very inexpensive at BJ's. If I don't have a coupon and they are available at Aldi I will buy them there. In addition to these lunch items, BJ's often has a coupon for buy 1 peanut butter get the jelly free this time of year. I usually purchase 3 of these deals and then I have enough peanut butter to get us through the entire school year.
Raising kids can be very expensive, but I find that if I follow these tips, I am saving so much time and money!
What are some things that you do to save money? Did you find this article helpful?
I hope that you will share some of your ideas with us!
Blessings to all!
Friday, August 21, 2015
Meal Planning Short Cut
Yesterday, while I was researching for today's post, I came across a very interesting and enlightening meal planning idea. This idea is not new to me, but it came to me in a way that helped me to recognize that not everyone has the time and opportunity to meal plan the same way that I do. I love to research and try new recipes as well as look through Pinterest and magazines with clear, beautiful pictures of what the recipe should look like when it's made. This takes time, and since I enjoy it, I don't mind spending it. Not everyone is like me though. Some people are working parents who don't have time to look and find new recipes, (although I do hope some busy people are reading this right now!)
Okay, so here it is, a very simple approach to meal planning that I hope can help you on your journey to saving both time and money!
If you go to my meal planning page and you look at the meal plan guideline that I use while meal planning, you will notice that step #2 is to have a list of meals that your family normally eats (and most likely likes to eat) ready when you sit down. Usually, when I make my list of meals for the week, I have about ten or twelve of these recipes. I chose at least 3 for the week and then I recycle the rest of the meals on that list throughout the month. My husband is very picky and is insistent that we don't eat anything two weeks in a row, so it is very rare that I repeat a recipe during the month. As a result, I make 25-30 different meals a month. This may seem like a lot, but it is actually very easy for me because I have a large recipe collection that I can choose from.
Once I thought about it though, I realized that I can remember 25-30 meals that my family loves, right off the top of my head! I don't have to go to the magazines or cookbooks, or Pinterest to come up with recipe ideas (if I don't want to!) All I have to do is sit down and write out a list of meals that my family eats on a regular basis and then fill in a calendar with those recipes. Now I have an entire month of meal planning done in just 15 minutes! Some families have regular meals that they eat on a weekly basis. If yours is one of those families, the task is even easier! For example, if your family eats spaghetti once a week than all you have to do is fill in spaghetti once for every week on the calendar. It couldn't be easier!
Here is a list of our families "go" to meals:
Spaghetti and Italian sausage or meatballs
Mini Meatloaves
Chicken and Wild Rice Soup
Roasted Chicken
Hot Dogs and Hamburgers
Sloppy Joes
Chicken Fried Rice
Chicken and Rice Casserole
Macaroni and Cheese
Chicken Pot Pie
Pot Roast
Chicken Noodle Casserole
Chicken Noodle Soup
Taco Soup
Enchilada's (chicken and beef)
Sub Sandwiches
Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches
Homemade Pizza
Italian Sausage w/peppers and onions
Garlic Spaghetti with Chicken
Beef and Broccoli over rice (with ground beef)
Southwest Chicken Salad
Roasted Ham Dinner
Roasted Turkey Breast
These are 30 "go to" dinners that I can make easier and they would fill up a calendar quickly with no repeats! Meal planning couldn't be easier than this!
Give this a try and share how it turned out for you.
What are your families favorite "go to" dinners? Please feel free to share! We would love hear from you!
Blessings to All!
Okay, so here it is, a very simple approach to meal planning that I hope can help you on your journey to saving both time and money!
If you go to my meal planning page and you look at the meal plan guideline that I use while meal planning, you will notice that step #2 is to have a list of meals that your family normally eats (and most likely likes to eat) ready when you sit down. Usually, when I make my list of meals for the week, I have about ten or twelve of these recipes. I chose at least 3 for the week and then I recycle the rest of the meals on that list throughout the month. My husband is very picky and is insistent that we don't eat anything two weeks in a row, so it is very rare that I repeat a recipe during the month. As a result, I make 25-30 different meals a month. This may seem like a lot, but it is actually very easy for me because I have a large recipe collection that I can choose from.
Once I thought about it though, I realized that I can remember 25-30 meals that my family loves, right off the top of my head! I don't have to go to the magazines or cookbooks, or Pinterest to come up with recipe ideas (if I don't want to!) All I have to do is sit down and write out a list of meals that my family eats on a regular basis and then fill in a calendar with those recipes. Now I have an entire month of meal planning done in just 15 minutes! Some families have regular meals that they eat on a weekly basis. If yours is one of those families, the task is even easier! For example, if your family eats spaghetti once a week than all you have to do is fill in spaghetti once for every week on the calendar. It couldn't be easier!
Here is a list of our families "go" to meals:
Spaghetti and Italian sausage or meatballs
Mini Meatloaves
Chicken and Wild Rice Soup
Roasted Chicken
Hot Dogs and Hamburgers
Sloppy Joes
Chicken Fried Rice
Chicken and Rice Casserole
Macaroni and Cheese
Chicken Pot Pie
Pot Roast
Chicken Noodle Casserole
Chicken Noodle Soup
Taco Soup
Enchilada's (chicken and beef)
Sub Sandwiches
Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches
Homemade Pizza
Italian Sausage w/peppers and onions
Garlic Spaghetti with Chicken
Beef and Broccoli over rice (with ground beef)
Southwest Chicken Salad
Roasted Ham Dinner
Roasted Turkey Breast
These are 30 "go to" dinners that I can make easier and they would fill up a calendar quickly with no repeats! Meal planning couldn't be easier than this!
Give this a try and share how it turned out for you.
What are your families favorite "go to" dinners? Please feel free to share! We would love hear from you!
Blessings to All!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins
A few months ago I was on a big Greek Yogurt craze! My kids love yogurt of every kind so I began to substitute Greek yogurt for regular in hopes that it would give the kids a little more substance. It is better for them and for us! A big tub is way cheaper to buy then the individual yogurts, especially at Aldi. I can buy a large tub of their vanilla Greek Yogurt for less than $3!
Well, I had this yogurt in the back of my fridge and it was almost gone. Since I don't like to throw anything away due to spoilage (that goes against everything I stand for!) and I don't like to hear the words "It's not fair!" (the little bit of yogurt won't feed all four of my kids), I have to find alternative recipes to use it in.
I had some bananas that were a little more than ripe, and this yogurt, so I went on a Pinterest search to find a recipe that worked in both. This is the recipe that I found. Simple and delicious! Thank you Crème de la Crumb for your great recipe! I made a few changes to it and the end result was a moist, soft, fluffy muffin that everyone in our family loved!
Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins (with Greek yogurt)
This recipe makes approximately 16 muffins.
1. Line 2 muffin tins with paper liners
2. Preheat oven to 350.
2 1/4 cups all purpose or wheat flour
1 1/2 tsps. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
4 tbsp. of butter (softened)
3/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
2-3 extra ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
2 eggs
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 cup plus 2 tbsp. mini chocolate chips.
1. In a medium bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients. Whisk until well combined. Combine the butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Cream them together until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, and mix well. Add the yogurt, mashed bananas, and vanilla to the butter mixture and beat on medium speed until smooth, approximately 2 minutes.
2. Add the dry ingredients, about a cup at a time, to the wet. Beat on low until just combined. Add 1 cup of chocolate chips to the batter.
3. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, fill each muffin cup. Sprinkle the remain 2 tbsp. of chocolate chips on the top of each muffin. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the tops are golden.
Cost per muffin is approximately $0.17 each. (Cheaper and healthier than any muffin purchased in a coffee shop!)
What is your favorite use for Greek yogurt? Please share your recipes and ideas with us!
Well, I had this yogurt in the back of my fridge and it was almost gone. Since I don't like to throw anything away due to spoilage (that goes against everything I stand for!) and I don't like to hear the words "It's not fair!" (the little bit of yogurt won't feed all four of my kids), I have to find alternative recipes to use it in.
I had some bananas that were a little more than ripe, and this yogurt, so I went on a Pinterest search to find a recipe that worked in both. This is the recipe that I found. Simple and delicious! Thank you Crème de la Crumb for your great recipe! I made a few changes to it and the end result was a moist, soft, fluffy muffin that everyone in our family loved!
Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins (with Greek yogurt)
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This recipe makes approximately 16 muffins.
1. Line 2 muffin tins with paper liners
2. Preheat oven to 350.
2 1/4 cups all purpose or wheat flour
1 1/2 tsps. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
4 tbsp. of butter (softened)
3/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
2-3 extra ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
2 eggs
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 cup plus 2 tbsp. mini chocolate chips.
1. In a medium bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients. Whisk until well combined. Combine the butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Cream them together until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, and mix well. Add the yogurt, mashed bananas, and vanilla to the butter mixture and beat on medium speed until smooth, approximately 2 minutes.
2. Add the dry ingredients, about a cup at a time, to the wet. Beat on low until just combined. Add 1 cup of chocolate chips to the batter.
3. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, fill each muffin cup. Sprinkle the remain 2 tbsp. of chocolate chips on the top of each muffin. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the tops are golden.
Cost per muffin is approximately $0.17 each. (Cheaper and healthier than any muffin purchased in a coffee shop!)
What is your favorite use for Greek yogurt? Please share your recipes and ideas with us!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Weekly Menu and Shopping Trip
Well, this summer seems to be flying by and I have been behind the eight ball which is completely normal for me. I am always behind, especially when the kids are home...four little people can definitely derail my plans very easily.
So, now that we are back from our vacation, and everything is slowing down as we get ready to start school, I can get back to the things that I love to do!
I have to be honest, I have not been doing much meal planning and my grocery bill has been paying the price. I am guilty of eating out because of my lack of planning, and that is something that I hate doing because I can't stand it when my kids eat food filled with chemicals and preservatives.
What can I say, I was tired!
It feels good to be back to my old self again!
In the last few days, I have spent time on Pinterest. I am learning new tips and researching new meal ideas. I have also been following some blogs and reading about other frugal families.
I have so many ideas to share with you! I can't wait to get started!
For my first real post of the year, I have decided to give you a run down of our meal plan for the week and my trip to the grocery store.
Here's a little run down of our week...
Tuesday (tonight)- my husband is at a meeting for church so its just me and the kiddos. No big deal! The kids love pizza so for tonight, it's homemade pizza.
Wednesday- Chicken Enchiladas. (Check out my great recipe!)
Thursday- My dad is coming for dinner and I had a steak in the freezer, so that is the plan for dinner. Steak, corn on the cob, potato salad, and rolls.
Friday- It's the first night of camping and with setting up the camper and camp site there won't be time for an elaborate dinner. We are serving hot dogs, potato chips, and watermelon.
Saturday- 2nd night of camping- We are going to have a nice simple dinner of Italian sausage with peppers and onions, macaroni salad, and more corn on the cob (tis the season!)
Sunday- We're back home so I have planned a spinach and artichoke macaroni & cheese. I can set this up on Friday before we leave and it will just need to go in the oven when we get back on Sunday. It will be great!
Monday- I have someone coming over to the house to show me some new cleaning products and I don't want to be cooking while she's here, so I am using my crock pot and making my family their first pot roast of the year! (Chuck roast has been very expensive and now it's on sale for $4.69 a pound at Wegman's when you purchase a family pack.) To go with the pot roast, we are also having mashed potatoes, green beans, and homemade dinner rolls.
Tuesday- Crock Pot Meal #2 for the week. Thank you Jamie @ Love Bakes Good Cakes for your recipe idea! I am going to make your Chicken and Dumplings with my own homemade biscuits. I am serving it with Sweet potatoes and peas. I can't wait to try it!
Wednesday- Crockpot Meal #3 for the week with a creamy ranch pork roast, roasted potatoes and broccoli. I am making my homemade cornbread as a side.
Thursday- We are taking dinner to a friends house. Tonight it is going to be BBQ chicken thighs and drumsticks, twice baked potatoes, and a cucumber and tomato salad.
Friday- It's my birthday and honestly after a two weeks of cooking I am sure I will be ready for a night on the town with my family.
Grocery List for the week:
5# bag of potatoes (2.49 @ Wegman's)
Frozen cut green beans, broccoli florets, spinach, and peas ($0.99 each)
grape tomatoes (2 pounds for $3.99 @ Wegman's)
cucumbers (3 pk. for $3.49)
green peppers (6 pk. for $3.99)
Corn on the Cob (fresh from the farm stand)
bananas ($0.49 per pound @ Wegman's)
watermelon (In season)
peaches (In season) ($3.99 for a qt. @ Wegman's)
Apples (8 pounds for $6.99 @ Wegman's)
5# bag of flour ($1.55 @ Aldi)
4# bag of sugar ($2.15 @ Aldi)
1 family pack of boneless skinless chicken breasts ($1.99/ pound @ Wegman's FP)
1 family pack of mild Italian sausage ($2.79/ pound @ Wegman's FP)
1 family pack of chuck roast ($4.69/ pound @ Wegman's FP)
1 pound of bacon ($2.99/ pound @ Aldi)
3 boxes of frozen cooked breakfast sausage ($1.09 ea. @ Aldi)
1 block of white cheddar cheese ($1.59 @ Aldi)
1 block of Monterey Jack Cheese ($1.59 @ Aldi)
1 pound of mozzarella cheese (shredded) ($2.99 @ Aldi)
1 pound of mild cheddar cheese (shredded) ($2.99 @ Aldi)
1 package 16 slice American cheese slices ($1.79 @ Aldi)
3 Gallons of milk ($2.18 each @ Wegman's)
3 pounds of butter ($2.89 each @ Aldi)
1 tub of whipped butter (for camping) ($1.99 @ Aldi)
1 qt. half and half ($1.89 @ Aldi)
2 bottles of Italian Sweet Cream coffee creamer ($2.19 ea. @ Aldi)
4 boxes of cereal ($1.59-$2.29 ea. @ Aldi)
2 18 packs of eggs ($7.99 for 2 pk. @ Wegman's)
1 pound of ham (deli) ($4.99/ pound @ Wegman's)
1 pound of turkey (deli) ($5.49/ pound @ Wegman's)
1 pound of shell pasta ($1.19 ea. @ Wegman's)
4 cans of navy beans (pot luck church picnic) ($0.99 ea. @ Wegman's)
1 bottle pure maple syrup (for baked beans) ($4.99 @ Aldi)
1 package of real bacon bits (for baked beans) ($1.29 @ Aldi)
3 sweet potatoes ($1.49/ pound @ Wegman's)
Chips (for camping) (3 bags for $1.19 ea. @ Aldi)
Chocolate bars (camping) (6 pk. for $3,49 @ Wegman's)
marshmallows (camping) ($0.99 ea. @ Wegman's)
1 large can of coffee ($5.49 @ Aldi)
1 small bag of French Vanilla ground coffee (a weakness of mine!) ($4.99 @ Aldi)
flour tortillas ($2.49 for FP @ Wegman's)
ranch seasoning packet ($0.59 @ Aldi)
2 loaves of 12 grain bread ($0.89 ea. on sale at Aldi today only!)
2 loaves of whole grain white bread ($0.99 ea. @ Aldi)
1 loaf of rye bread ($1.49 ea. @ Aldi)
pepperoni ($1.99 ea. @ Aldi)
What I have in the house already- Breakfast for the week-
1 jar of artichoke hearts Cereal
chicken drumsticks and thighs egg, sausage, & cheese burritos
2 pound pork roast Oatmeal bakes
hot dogs pancakes
hot dog rolls fruit
corn meal Lunches-
onions P,B, &J sandwiches
yellow rice ham and turkey sandwiches
sour cream grilled cheese sandwiches
fruit leftovers
What I spent- $96.65 @ Aldi
$ 122.24 @ Wegman's
Apples, bananas, peaches
Graham Crackers w/ PB
Cheese Crackers
Cheese Sticks
chocolate animal crackers
Although it seems as though I have gone over my budget of $100/ week, I actually spent less. The family packs of meat that I purchased are going to last about 3 weeks. Therefore, I can split their cost by 1/3. In addition, I purchased a few items that were not on the list, but I knew that I was running low on. An example would be the tub of shortening that I bought. Overall, the total was approximately $189.89. When divided by 2, I came in under budget at $94.94 per week. I consider that a success!
Please feel free to share your menu for the week. I would love to know more about you, your budget, and your tips and ideas for saving money!
Blessings to All!
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